Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bush admits fault for Katrina response

I admit, I was a cynic when I thought 'somehow we will link this to terrorism'. I'm quite jaded when I think of the Bush (and Co.) agenda to see everything I do, censor any dissent I offer, and make me more secure at the cost of my freedoms. I figured it would be a bit less intelligent than to point out the poor response time in dealing with a national disaster, but thats where its surfaced. And its valid. I'd like to think we will recognize that trying to have the governments nose in everyones business is not making us any more secure, but I fear that it will just be used to tighten their reins. I have a feeling this will be fuel to crack down on other ways to bring control under one person "for the good of the nation" and people will just follow along.

I recently read The Handmaid's Tale and they talk about how the conservative christian groups used FUD (fear/uncertainty/doubt) to take control of the country and slowly implement martial law and remove women's rights, it was sadly plausible and didn't help with my already failing view of the people in charge and their agenda.

Daily, I fear for the future of this country and it saddens me to think that to challenge whats going on is to be unamerican. You can't support the country and want us out of Iraq, you can't love the country and trash talk the President, you can't be American and hate gas guzzling SUVs. Where are we headed?


At 9/23/2005 6:59 AM, Blogger Jody said...

Thanks I'll check it out the new one. I'm not squeamish with gay male sex scenes, people are people eh? Maybe I can find it at the library before the flight tomorrow. I'm afraid to read 1984 again, I already have a sour view of the state of things right now.

That reminds me, I'll have to blog about this new 'give the military power to police on US soil' talk thats going on. Need to find a link to it first. I would hate to think of what Bush could and would do with such power.


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