Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So, what is it w/ society today anyway? I am getting pretty TO'd that many (most?) people are perfectly content to just accept the information that is spoonfed to them by the media and advertising juggernauts of America. What happened to free thinking, world changing, radical thought? What happened to researching and trying to make your own informed decision? Are people just too lazy? Are people tired of having to sift through the crap that is pushed in front of us on a daily basis?

Specifically, we were told as a public that Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction, then had proof presented to the contrary. We were LIED to by the Commander In Chief, yet he got re-elected. A person is smart, people are stupid? Can that really be true? It breaks my heart to think it possible.

On less specific notes, we are constantly fed FUD (fear/uncertainty/doubt) by the news on all levels (local/national/international) to help keep us thinking we are at risk from terrorists or rapists or serial killers. We get the worst things fed to us for ratings, to keep our eyeballs on the screen. We are bombarded with wafer thin models saying this is beauty, but looking around shows the fattest America in history. We are fed vaccinations and immunizations saying that it has made a healthier society, but we are not presented full facts like; we have cleaner living conditions, we have healthier work environments, we have human rights. There are many factors that lead to change, but the different avenues of information constantly pick a single knowledge point and hammer it until we must believe.

With the internet here and such glorious things as a free encyclopedia (Wikipedia) and aggregate news sources (news.google.com), you don't have to accept Rupert Murdoch's tainted version of news. There is more information available now to us via the world reducing internet, but people seem to be less and less willing to do the legwork. Someone please tell me this is just the darkness before the dawn.



At 3/02/2005 7:54 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

J -
Thanks for introducing me to Wikipedia. I have to bookmark it so I remember to check it out regularly. That site is so cool! :)

You already know how I feel about all of the rest of this though so I need not say more.
- A


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